Prevention Programs

We provide evidence-based prevention services in schools in Assumption, Lafourche, St. Charles,
St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Mary, and Terrebonne Parishes. To request prevention services
for your school, contact
Amy Cobb, Regional Prevention Coordinator,
985-876-8892 or Amy.Cobb@LA.GOV
Marilyn Harris, Regional Prevention Coordinator,
985-876-8829 or Marilyn.Harris@LA.GOV
Programs We Offer:

School-based program for ages 13-17 that aims to prevent alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use and violence by targeting the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of substance use and other risky behaviors.
Project Alert
School-based prevention program for middle or junior high school students that focuses on alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use. It seeks to prevent adolescent nonusers from experimenting with these drugs, and to prevent youths who are already experimenting from becoming more regular users or abusers.
Synar checks
State initiative to reduce the access to tobacco products to persons under the age of 18. Tobacco retailers and the general public are made aware of the laws and penalties regarding the sale and purchase of tobacco products to minors through community coalition activities.
Sticker Shock
National campaign aimed to reduce underage drinking by limiting youth access to alcohol.
Designed to discourage adults from buying alcohol for minors by educating them about the dangers and consequences of these actions.
Kids Don’t Gamble, Wanna Bet?
Interdisciplinary program designed for youth in the 3rd- 8th grade to discourage underage gambling through improved critical thinking and problem solving.
TNT (Project Towards No Tobacco Use)
Classroom-based curriculum for grades 5th-9th designed to prevent or reduce tobacco use in youth. The program is designed to counteract several different causes of tobacco use simultaneously.
Catch My Breath
Youth nicotine vaping prevention program that provides students with the skills necessary to resist peer pressure and media influences to try e-cigarettes.
Overall goal is to prevent the initiation of e-cigarette use among preteen and teen adolescents.
Tobacco 21
The aim of this program is to raise awareness and provide education on Tobacco 21 law (it is now illegal for a retailer to sell any tobacco product—including cigarettes, cigars, and e-cigarettes—to anyone under 21).